The women barely spoke as they walked. They kept their eyes on the dusty path that wound its way through the hill. A soft light warmed the earth from the rising sun. Pastel flowers were scattered around the gardens, weaving their way across the large stones. Birds sang quietly, yet even they were solemn in their song. The women's' spirits were low, their hearts having been broken in the days earlier. Soon, a rough outline of the cave appeared. Its dark silhouette blocked out the early morning light. "Salome?" Joanna whispered, breaking the silence. "The will we move it?" Salome looked up, realizing for the first time the trouble. They would never be able to lift the stone. "Maybe one of the guards will--" her words faded as she saw what lay before them. Mary turned, looking for what had startled Salome. She gasped. The heavy stone that blocked the cave had been rolled away. The women rushed forward, entering the tomb. It was empty. Mary stumbled out of the cave, her thoughts raced, her heart sank. Had the Romans taken him? She scanned the gardens, searching for the guards. Mary blinked through her tears, squinting against the morning, it wasn't the sun. Whipping around, Mary started backward, both amazed and frightened at what stood inside, next to the tomb. The figure took the appearance of a man, dressed in clothes of dazzling white. The women knelt was an angel. "Why do you seek for the living among the dead? He is not here, but has risen! Go and tell the other disciples!" Even as the angel's parting words faded, he vanished. Mary knelt in front of the tomb, astonished at what she had just heard. Salome was the first to rise. "Come," she said, softly at first. "Come, Joanna, Mary..." Salome helped Joanna to her feet, her voice growing more fearful as she realized what the angel meant. "Mary, we must hurry!" Salome urged. "The Roman's may return--they may think we stole the body." Mary simply shook her head. She couldn't believe it. Tears streaming, she motioned for the others to go without her. They left her. Mary waited, crying by the side of the tomb. Presently, she heard footsteps approaching her. "Woman," the voice said. "Why are you crying?" Mary turned to see a gardener. "Sir, if you have carried him away, tell me where you have laid him, and I will take him away," she pleaded. "Mary," the gardener said. Mary looked up, eyes wide. As the man said that one word--as he called her name--she recognized him. It was Jesus. "Rabboni! Teacher!" she cried. "Do not cling to me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father, to my God and your God. Go and tell my brothers to go to Galilee, and there they will see me." Mary ran as fast as she could down the path. Her heart pounded. All that she had seen in the past few days, all that she had heard in the past three years came rushing back. The prophecies Jesus had taught...of the temple being destroyed and built again in three days. She thought of all he had said of his coming death. Jesus had been crucified three days prior, and now he lived! Mary ran through the doorway of Mark's home and into the upper room where she found the other disciples. "Peter! Peter! It has happened! Just as he said it would!" Mary's voice rang through the morning silence. Her previously tear-streaked cheeks now shone with a wonder and excitement. "I have seen the Lord!"
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