Are your eyes blinded by deceit?
Is your heart hardened by pride?
Do you still block yourself from hearing the call?
The saving hope is here, yet you do not see it.
You ask me to prove it,
but do I need to?
Look around you, open your eyes.
Let go of selfish desires, and follow the one who created you in love.
Listen to His voice, the voice of your caring Father.
The proof is all around you. The beauty of creation is there so one cannot deny the existence of a Creator.
You blame miracles on chance. You declare phenomenons a result of evolution.
Do you not see the forgiveness of your God? The love of your God?
I see it all around me.
Everywhere I turn, I am reminded of His goodness. His glory. His right to be praised.
The cool beauty of morning dew, wet underfoot as I watch the sun rise from behind the mountains. The clouds that grow warm, a mix of pink and gold. Birds singing sweetly, carried by the wind. The same breath that ruffles the leaves of trees, the petals of flowers, the grass of the fields. Mountains rise up, the rocks raise glory for their master. The seas churn, the skies roar. Storms rage across the Earth, yet are no match for the might of the all powerful. Creatures of all sizes, of all color, of all diversity, wander across their home. Each are provided for, cared for, loved.
You are loved, created in His image.
He forged you, crafted each detail.
Calm your worries, for each need is provided for.
All of creation proclaims His rule. All of creation was created for His glory.
I set out to praise Him.
I set out to love him, as he loves me.
I set out to live out my faith, I am prepared to die for my faith,
just as the Son did.
Because I have hope.
Hope in my Father. I have hope in His divine mercy, and His power to save.
You may not see it,
you may have blocked it from your hearts,
you may have deafened your ears to the plea of salvation.
Only He has the power to open your eyes, soften your heart, heal your ears.
Only His spirit can change your mind.
I set out to be the example. I set out to be the proof.