This past June, I began a sort of writing challenge. Each day, for about a week, I challenged myself to write about the very moment I was in. The results I got wasn't quite traditional poetry, but were poems in their own way. I hope to continue my little "writing streak" throughout the year. I find it is a way to capture the moments of quiet and the surrounding descriptions throughout the day.
June 22, 2020
5:55 am
Early morning. The house is so quiet, but outside isn't. I woke up to a bright sunlight pouring through my window. It lit up the trees in my yard. Birds sing their soft songs as they begin to wake. I'm sitting at my computer, writing this. The sound of my keyboard makes an eerie click that seems so loud compared to the still house. I type quietly, afraid to wake my family, afraid to disturb the peace of the morning.
June 23, 2020
12:03 p.m.
I sit at the edge of my bed.
I can hear the trains' whistle as it barrels down the tracks.
The sun streams through my windows, reminding me summer is here!
The sky is a brilliant blue and the heat of the day is getting to me.
I wait anxiously for the relief of jumping in the pool at our friends' house.
June 24, 2020
11:47 p.m.
The night is late. My sweatshirt smells like smoke from our campfire.
Time slipped by as we told tales around stones which encircled the glowing embers.
We watched from our camp chairs as the night turned dark.
The moon grew brighter and brighter.
The stars appeared, at first very faint, but then turned into bright diamonds.
It truly is summer.
June 25, 2020
3:53 p.m
hot and sweaty, sitting on our porch
tired from our day at the lake.
didn't swim, but made a sandcastle with my sister.
cherry stained lips, curly un-brushed hair
music drowns away the noise from the birds, my fingers clicking on my keyboard.
feeling peaceful as the day passes by.
my long-awaited summer is here
June 26, 2020
1:32 a.m.
My eyes are growing heavy from the light of my flashlight reflecting off my books.
I'm covered in blankets, my pillows are soft.
I finish my chapter and reluctantly put the book away.
Sleep's calls are too bewitching to resist.
Turning over, I see the moon shining through my window.
I fall asleep, bathing in its light.
Really peaceful to read, awesome job.