I miss the sun of my face, the wind whipping through my hair. I miss seeing the pavement race by, nothing more than a
Oh, to have the adventure of escaping to a new place. Sleeping under the stars of an unknown wilderness. Walking the trails of an unknown hike.
Oh, to witness the sights and sounds of creation. The heat of a desert, the smell of the ocean, the sounds of birds in a forest.
A life of adventure! Oh, how I miss it, how I long for it. To get into the car and drive. No set destinations, only pit stops.
I often dream what it would be like. For I have never done those things. Yet I miss it, I long for it.
I thought it would be interesting to give a little insight on the inspiration of this piece. I love words with deep meanings. I have a whole Pinterest board dedicated to words not often used in our every day conversation. The German word Fernweh is a particular favorite. It is almost the same as our English word Wanderlust. Fernweh is the opposite of homesickness, it is far-sickness; a longing for places you haven't been to. Fernweh was the inspiration of this piece, and the latest addition to my list of strange words, right next to Eglaf, Vellichor, and Reverie :)